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About Us

We serve homeschool families in South Carolina by providing the accountability required by law and the
support needed while allowing freedom for each family to enjoy the educational journey that is best for them.

The Board

Wendy Graham has been the Director of CHASC since 2007. She began as the Membership Director in 2003 when the association was formed as CHASE SC. Wendy and her husband, Phillip, homeschooled their three children from birth through high school graduation – a total of 25 years. Her youngest child graduated in 2017 and her first grandchild was born in February that same year. A second grandson was born in 2019. In addition to children and grandchildren, the family also includes 5 dogs, 3 cats, and 1 fish. Wendy considers it an honor and privilege to be able to help families homeschool their children as director of CHASC. Homeschooling was the best decision she and Phillip ever made and they are looking forward to being a part of their grandchildren’s homeschool journeys as well. 

Wendy is supported by a wonderful board consisting of Victor Frolov,  Donna Autry, Adrienne Kleeman, and Scarlett Ritenour.

They are all experienced homeschool moms but not legal or educational experts. Information and guidance is provided as support but it may be wise to consult a lawyer or other expert for specific information about some situations or circumstances and they may advise you to do so. However, they do all they can to find answers to your questions and provide encouragement when you need it.  It is highly recommended that members find a local support group as well to enhance their homeschool journey.

CHASC provides the accountability required under the law and other services to support member families.  We do not require more than is required by the law. However, because we rank high school students, we are required to obtain course information and grades. 

Wendy Graham is the director. She and her husband, Phillip, homeschooled their three children from birth through high school graduation. She began as Membership Director of CHASE SC in 2003 and became Director in 2009.  Her youngest child graduated in 2017 and her first grandchild was born in February that same year, so the homeschool cycle is continuing in the family. 

Wendy is supported by a board consisting of Lisa Nichols, Assistant Director, Donna Autry, Treasurer, Lisa Arnold, Webmaster, and Staci Chronister, Board Member at Large.

We are all experienced homeschool moms but not legal or educational experts. Information and guidance is provided as support and not to be taken as expert advice. CHASC provides the accountability required under the law and other services to support member families. We do not require more than is required by the law. We do recommend that members find a support group as well to enhance their homeschool journey.

We Provide the Following Services:

Accountability coverage and the legal establishment of your homeschool under Section 59-65-47

A Family ID Card that can be printed from the Member Profile Page

Membership documentation for DMV, schools, DSS, IRS, SSA, colleges and others as requested

Membership letter when requested

Our Member Handbook that can be read online or downloaded from the website

An Optional Member Newsletter 

Optional Text Reminders and Notices 

Forum pages for members to make connections with each other

Unlimited phone and email support during regular business hours

GPA and Class ranking for all high school students

Report Card and Transcript Templates

Sample forms for record keeping upon request

HSLDA  Membership Discount, group number 299798

Graduation ceremony (offered to all homeschool families, there is a fee, cost is dependent on the number of participating families/students, families must register in the fall)

High School Graduation Packet including High School Diploma, Transcript, and Graduation Letter 

Free Transcript for high school students

Transcript and report  card consultation and preparation services for all homeschool families (there is a fee for this service)

Special Workshop Events including: How to Begin Homeschooling, Record Keeping, Homeschooling High School, and Creating Professional Transcripts (open to all homeschool families as space allows)

Facebook Group (support and encouragement for all homeschoolers)

Our Services

Policies and Expectations

Members agree to abide by S.C. state law section 59-65-47.

The teaching Parent holds at least a high school diploma or the equivalent general educational development (GED) certificate, and will maintain a copy with school records.

Parents will provide their own curriculum that includes, at the minimum: the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, in kindergarten through sixth grade and in grades seven through twelve, composition, literature, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Parents agree to include at least 180 instructional days to be completed by May 31 each school year they are members of CHASC.

Parents will maintain the following educational records:

(1) a plan book, diary, or other record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the students and parent teacher engage; and

(2) a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work; and

(3) a semiannual progress report including attendance records and individualized documentation of the student's academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas specified above.

CHASC does not provide any curriculum or specific advice or curriculum counseling. This is outside of the scope and expertise of the board and director. 

All members are automatically signed up to receive group emails when they register on the website.  If they do not wish to receive the emails, there is a place to unsubscribe at the end of the emails. These emails include updates and reminders and will be sent periodically as needed. Members are expected to contact us at if they are not receiving emails or if their email address changes, etc. 

This website offers opportunities for email notices and special groups that members can opt in and out of on their Member Profile. 

Members will keep all contact and status information current by sending an email notification of any changes within 3 business days of the change. This includes but is not limited to grade level, address, phone number, and email. Members can change the information on the website under their Member Profile but this will not serve as official notification of changes. 

Our membership year runs from June 1st to May 31st and in that time, members agree to complete at least 180 instructional days and file the End of Year Compliance form.

Members agree to complete the End of Year Compliance Form between May 1st and May 31st each year they are members. If for any reason, members will not be able to complete 180 instructional days by May 31st, they agree to file an Extension Form between May 1st and May 31st. Members must file the Extension form by May 31st and pay the renewal fee on or before June 30th to remain compliant if they have not completed the 180 instructional days on or before June 30th.

Members must submit the appropriate form with course titles, grades, credit, and any necessary supporting documents for all degree-seeking senior (12th grade) high school students on or before May 15th for the purpose of creating final official transcripts to be sent by CHASC to college. Parents sign all transcripts. 

Members must submit the appropriate form with course titles, grades, credit, and any necessary supporting documents for all degree-seeking high school students in grades nine through eleven on or before May 31st for the purpose of calculating class rank. Senior student course information must be submitted by May 15th. 

CHASC will provide a Handbook that can be read online or downloaded from the website. Members are required to read this handbook and ask questions if they do not understand any points.

Members with high school students must read the material on the High School pages of the Handbook and they are encouraged to attend a high school workshop and transcript workshop.

The Department of Education has the right to audit Christian Homeschoolers’ Association of South Carolina’s records in order to verify association and member compliance; therefore we must have your completed compliance forms before we can place your family in good standing, close the current school year, or begin a new school year. This includes students who are graduating or not returning to CHASC.

Failure to comply with any requirement from South Carolina Code of Law Section 59-65-47, or CHASC policies will result in a member family’s homeschool being placed on probationary status to allow time to correct the issues. Those on probation who fail to correct the issues in the time set by CHASC in the notice of probationary status will have their membership terminated.

Members must notify CHASC by phone or email immediately if they are contacted by any official in regards to their homeschool, students, or anything that may require input from or the involvement of the association.

CHASC will fax or email copies of membership letters to a third party only upon members’ written request when all necessary information is provided. This written notice can be made by email.

Only when legally required, CHASC will make available any and all applicable and available documents.

It is within the rights of CHASC to terminate or refuse any membership at any time.

Members are solely responsible for any and all legal fees and attorney(s) should a legal issue arise. Members agree to hold CHASC harmless of any and all legal action(s) understanding that none of the information or opinions on our website, e-mails, or phone conversations should be taken as legal advice. CHASC is a third option homeschool accountability association offering its services to homeschooling families by maintaining a professional relationship with members, school districts, and the S.C. State Board of Education. Our purpose is to allow our members the least restrictive home school environment and to maintain their privacy while ensuring members’ legal compliance.

Updated 11-30-2021

Copyright 2018-2025  Christian Homeschoolers' Association of South Carolina

PO Box 51386
Summerville, SC 29485-1386
Phone: (843) 376-3209
Fax: (843) 638-8890

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